
A new world-class site and app for thousands of Wellington commuters

Metlink wanted to create a "world class digital experience" for their users. With thousands of people using the website and app every day, it was important to completely understand the users mental models before solutionising. In-depth testing was necessary to ensure all the site components were on point and all scenarios were accounted for.


Metlink - Wellington Public Transport


User Research

User Flows & Content Blocks

Wireframing - Desktop, Mobile & App

Usability Testing

UI Guidance

UX Guardianship

routines and
mental models

To first understand the system, I had to understand the users.

As a light public transport user, I felt the need to know more so I
spent 2 days exploring train and bus routes and talking to other
commuters on the way.

Commuters were also invited to one-on-one sessions for more
detailed interviews and this allowed me to immerse myself into the
world of public transport. A competitor review was done on similar
local and international Organisations.

the bigger

User segments were created in CX workshops and these
insights were combined with the discovery work to
create a feature list and future state ideas.

User flows and
navigation pathways

the logic

The creation of user flows made sure all the mechanics were
logical and solving the right problems.

A navigation system that would be seamless on all platforms was
also created at this stage.

Complete site
wireframing on
Desktop and Mobile


the way

With 75% of Metlinks users accessing the site on a mobile device,
the design phase had to ensure that users could complete tricky
tasks with ease on a mobile device. These prototypes would also
form the basis of the app, to create a sense of familiarity.


As the devil is in the detail, I tested the prototypes at multiple
stages with low and hi-fidelity mockups to iron out all creases. Ease
of navigation and error recovery were a main focus so the whole
experience was rigorously tested with users.


I helped guide the final UI tweaks and worked with the
devs to get the interactions and content just right.

The final HTML outputs were also tested with users and
stakeholders. The site is currently in beta phase and is
set to launch at the end of 2020.



"Brennan provided invaluable UX expertise on the Metlink project, and had a particular focus on ensuring that the client was involved throughout the process and understood all design decisions. Brennan was always enjoyable to work with, and was always up for a challenge."

Shaun Hunter - Account Manager at Somar (Metlink Project Lead)
